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 Family Picnic - Who can make it?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Matt Fisher Posted - 07/21/2007 : 18:41:41
If you can make it to the picnic please reply to this forum so we can get a head count.

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Matt Fisher Posted - 07/29/2007 : 02:18:09
Sounds great! See ya there.
wendi Posted - 07/29/2007 : 01:24:44
Sorry for the late response...been busy with new baby! We will be there, James, Emma, and Samantha, and me. James is making homemade mac-n-cheese. We'll see you there.
Matt Fisher Posted - 07/28/2007 : 23:15:44
The party starts at noon. :-)
pumpskinseed Posted - 07/28/2007 : 15:27:51
Hi Matt, what time is the party, I could'nt find it?
Thanks, Jeff
Linda Posted - 07/26/2007 : 10:01:58
Matt --

Bill and I will be there. We'll bring dessert and a watermelon. What time? Look forward to seeing everyone.

Matt Fisher Posted - 07/24/2007 : 01:33:24
Hey Dale,

Thanks for the update. Hope you have a great time in Santa Barbara and we'll save you some seats if you get back in time. :-)

Dale Posted - 07/23/2007 : 23:15:07
Hi Matt,
Thanks for organizing this. Unfortunately, we will be in Santa Barbara this weekend but we will try to stop by if we get home in time.

Thanks again,
Matt Fisher Posted - 07/23/2007 : 18:28:01
So far confirmed is the following

Jenni's gang
Jeff's gang
Steve and Donna
Becky's gang
Mike's gang
Harry and Matt
Grandma Fisher
pumpskinseed Posted - 07/23/2007 : 11:54:11
Hi Matt and Fisher gang.
Thanks for putting this together.
The three of us will be there.
Me,my wife Moselle, and son Tyler will be there.
See you then.
We will bring a vegetable type side dish.
Thanks, see you then.

Jeff Perez
B. Ortega Posted - 07/21/2007 : 21:29:30
Hi Matt,
All four of us will be there. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Thanks so much for putting this together!

Matt Fisher Posted - 07/21/2007 : 21:14:54
So far I've heard back from the following that can make it....

Jenni's gang
Jeff's gang
Steve and Donna
Becky's gang if they are back from vacation

Mike and Mark's gang - havnt heard a "yes" from them but I'm pretty sure they are coming.

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